Identifizierung molekularer Marker zur Detektion von Bioregulatoren, welche die Produktivität und Qualität der Pflanze erhöhen

Koordinator: – ()


Ziel des Vorhabens ist die Identifizierung molekularer Marker zur Detektion von Bioregulatoren, die die Produktivität und Qualität von Pflanzen steigern. Dazu sollen die Effekte bekannter Bioregulatoren auf der Ebene von Genregulation und Expression unter verschiedenen Wachstumsbedingungen untersucht werden. Die Verfügbarkeit umfassender genomischer Daten für den Modellorganismus Arabidopsis ermöglicht dabei die Erstellung von Genexpressions- und Proteomprofilen. Durch Vergleich dieser Profile mit den biochemischen und morphologischen Effekten der Bioregulatoren können Gene und Proteine identifiziert werden, deren erhöhte oder verringerte Aktivität in direktem Zusammenhang mit dem Wachstum und der Produktivität der Pflanze steht. Basierend auf diesen universellen Markern werden Zellassays entwickelt, die zur Identifizierung und Entwicklung neuer Bioregulatoren für den Nutzpflanzenbereich geeignet sind. Bei erfolgreicher Umsetzung liefert das Projekt nicht nur molekulare Marker und Assays für einen nachhaltigen Pflanzenschutz, sondern auch grundlegendes Wissen über zelluläre Abläufe bei Pflanzen, die für nachfolgende systembiologische Ansätze genutzt werden können.

Coordinator: – (Institut)

Project description

We have identified a number of biologically active chemicals that influence plant growth and development by activating or inhibiting metabolism. The objective of this project is to exploit the potential of these bioregulators by identifying genes, proteins and metabolites that are up- or down-regulated when the chemicals are applied under stress or non-stress conditions and positively influence plant growth and productivity. Since comprehensive genomic resources are available for Arabidopsis thaliana and rice, gene expression in response to ten different active molecules will be analyzed using the Arabidopsis whole genome microarray and equivalent rice resources. Similar analysis of proteome and metabolome profiles will be carried out. Profiles will be compared to the biochemical and morphological effects of bioregulator application, resulting in the identification of genes, proteins and metabolites that indicate improved plant growth. These studies will include cell-based in vitro assays and greenhouse tests.

The suitability of these markers will be verified in important crop species. Orthologs will be identified in maize, wheat, rapeseed and vegetables using molecular biology techniques and in silico analysis. The crops will then be treated with the appropriate chemicals and assessed for expression profiles as well as biochemical, physiological and morphological characteristics as described above.

In order to reproduce and validate even minor changes in yield or quality, plants must be grown under tightly controlled conditions in growth chambers. Furthermore, it is crucial to evaluate bioregulator performance in the field under conditions of good agricultural practice. Therefore, the chemicals will also be tested under field conditions using maize, wheat, rapeseed and vegetables. Their impact on yield and quality as well as on biochemical, physiological and morphological characteristics will be analyzed and compared to the data obtained from greenhouse, growth chamber and laboratory experiments.

Universal markers identified in these experiments will be used to establish a cell-based high-throughput assay. Promoters driving the marker genes will be fused to a fluorescent protein and plant expression cassettes will be introduced into Arabidopsis and rice plant suspension cells. The cell-based fluorescence assay will be verified using the already identified bioregulators and will allow the identification of novel or superior compounds that enhance crop yield and quality, which will be of significant benefit for the crop production markets.