2024 Plant Cell Atlas Symposium
Hybrid Symposium
East Lansing, MI, Vereinigte Staaten: 12.08. – 14.08.2024
Wissenschaftliche Konferenz | Weltweit
The goal of the Plant Cell Atlas (PCA) is to bring together a community who will comprehensively describe plant cell types by integrating high-resolution subcellular and cellular location information of nucleic acids, proteins, and metabolites.
Symposium Goals:
- Share the most exciting scientific and technological breakthroughs in plant science as it is relevant to developing a Plant Cell Atlas.
- Create a forum for people interested in these approaches and their application to plants to meet and network.
- Provide context and ideas for the SynBio Hackathon participants.
The 4 scientific sessions will be focused around each of the topics listed below in the context of plant science.
- Theme 1: Synthetic Biology
- Theme 2: Single-Cell and Spatial Omics
- Theme 3: Imaging
- Theme 4: Comparative Biology