European Workshop on the Molecular Biology of Cyanobacteria
EWBC 2024
The series of meetings “European Workshop on the Molecular Biology of Cyanobacteria” was started in 1990 by a group of scientists led by the late Nicole Tandeau de Marsac “to provide a forum for the promotion of molecular biological techniques (applied) to these organisms”. Although based in Europe, the organizers explicitly wished to attract participation from further afield. The Workshop became well established, taking place from then onwards every two to four years. However, its focus changed from “the promotion of molecular biological techniques” to become a place for the presentation of results and exchange of ideas centered on the molecular biology of cyanobacteria. The Workshop, pushed enthusiastically by Georg Schmetterer, was organized in an informal way until an International Scientific Committee (ISC) was established in 2014. Because molecular ecology studies on cyanobacteria and the awareness of the interest of these organisms for biotechnological applications expanded along the years, the ISC decided in 2017 to change the name of the meeting to a more general “European Workshop on the Biology of Cyanobacteria” (EWBC). In this way, it is intended to make it clear that the Workshop accommodates every interesting aspect of research on cyanobacteria.
The 12th EWBC will be held in Seville, Spain, from September 3rd to 6th, 2024. The Local Organizing Committee, working in concert with the ISC, is putting together a program that will try to cover the state of the art of cyanobacterial research. Additionally, we intend to arrange a workshop in which researchers will have plenty of opportunities to interact with each other. With these aims in mind, we cordially invite you to attend the workshop for a fruitful scientific experience and, hopefully, a splendid time in Seville.
Enrique Flores, on behalf of the Local Organizing Committee.