ATSPB 2023

Plants in the context of food security, biodiversity and climate change

Hall in Tirol, Österreich: 13.04. – 15.04.2023
Wissenschaftliche Konferenz | Europa

The 24th conference of the Austrian Society of Plant Biology (ATSPB) will take place from 13th to 15th of April 2023 in Hall in Tirol, organized by the Department of Botany of the University of Innsbruck.

The ATSPB, as part of the FESPB (Federation of European Societies of Plant Biology), seeks to promote all aspects of plant biology, from cell biology and biochemistry to ecophysiology.

The 24th conference of the ATSPB is dedicated to the importance of plants in the context of food security, biodiversity and climate change. Contributions on any topic related to plant biology are welcome!

Conference venue: the Salzlager, Hall in Tirol
Registrations are opened until the 20th of February 2023 via ConfTool
Organising committee: Erwann Arc, Barbara Beikircher, Andrea Ganthaler, Andreas Holzinger, Ilse Kranner, Stefan Mayr, Gilbert Neuner, Charlotte Permann, Gregor Pichler, Thomas Roach, Matthias Stegner